Nikolay Zoz – creator of the TravelExtreme project
Guide and organizer of all trips
Has been climbing since 2006
Multiple climber to Elbrus and Kazbek
Climber to Mera peak, Kilimanjaro, Damavend, Aragats, Toubkal and other peaks
He has been skydiving since 1998
Recordsman of Europe in parachuting in the class of wingsuit formations
Freerider and ski tourist
Riding in big mountains since 2004
Caucasus, Alps, Siberia, Khibiny, Himalayas, Iran, Tien Shan and other mountains

Since 2015 I have been organizing and conducting programs in different parts of the world. A feature of the TravelExtreme project is its “chamber”. All trips are organized and conducted by myself. I only go to the most interesting places. I personally get acquainted with all the participants and with many we become friends. I do not recruit too many members so that the group remains a single team and does not break up. Usually the group size is around 8-12 people, and even less on climbs. It is also possible to organize individual tours from 1 person.
In general, a good, friendly atmosphere in the group is an extremely important feature of our trips. As a rule, we have a great time both on the track and in the evening on vacation, people become friends, continue to communicate, meet, go on a new journey together. Organizing and conducting trips of the TravelExtreme project, I do what I love, which I enjoy, so I try to do everything with the highest quality. This concerns the saturation of the trip with vivid impressions, the optimal route, the safety of the participants and care for their health, the selection of hotels, cafes and all other elements of a great trip.
The absence of an office and a staff of employees allows us to offer you very attractive prices. Preparation for the trip begins with the selection of equipment and other issues. I am always in touch with the participants of the trips and try to answer their questions in detail.
The TravelExtreme schedule includes trips of various levels of difficulty, from easy trekking to serious climbing. You can choose what is right for you. In addition, for a group of people, it is possible to organize a trip on request.
Join, it will be great!